Tuesday, February 28. 2006Hauru no ugoku shiroTrackbacks
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I liked this one a lot, Igor. Especially the idea of having such a wonderful castle that switches between worlds so quickly and easily.
You're abolutely right about the ending of the it though, I certainly felt like there was at least an extra half-an-hour of interesting storytelling to be made. Anyway, the impression was a standard one for most of Miyazaki's works - everytime his imagination shocks me with its vivid images and colours. pS: I see you've started blogging again ;) Good thing you've regained the motivation!
Kak dela? Ya ne nashel luchshego sposoba poslat' tebe soobschenie. Edinstvennoe chto ya pomnil tak eto adres tvoego sita. Ne znal chto ty uvleksia anime, prikol'no. po-hodu mnogie amerikoty lubiat anime, poetome japoncy risuiyut ne pokladaya ruk:) lady ne v etom delo. Ya prosto hotel uznat' kak tam u tebia dela? Ne jenilsia escho? Anton von s Tan'koi vse taki reshili pojenitsia. Ladno ne budu trashit' tvoi sait. pishi esli est' jelanie. I left my e-mail with this message. |
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